Wednesday, June 8, 2011

DYO #2: Fruit Fly Population Investigation

 Problem (Question)How does putting 2 females and 1 male fruit fly affect the number of eggs after 3 weeks.
         Hypothesis If i put two female and one male then there shall be 322 adult of flies because they all lay 20 eggs a day on every two weeks they become adults.
        Background Research In my research we had to  find out how many fruit flies would lay eggs after three weeks.  My group choice two females and one male.  So females lay 20 eggs and the male doesn't carry any eggs.  The Drosophila Melanogaster cycle starts with the egg (1day) then the Larva which takes (7days) then the pupa which takes (6days) and then it becomes an adult in (2days) , and about  takes what I'm researching about Fruit  flies.
        Procedure In step one- My group had to choose a combination with two females and a male to see every three weeks they would lay eggs, so in 
Step two-We put the flies to steep to determine to see which one was male or female, and then put them in an vial, also In
Step three- we had to make an observation on our vial weekly to see any changes, Then
Step four- In the end of the three weeks we are going to put them to sleep and count how many adults there are. 

 Data Table and Graph (click here for photos of your graphs)
        Analysis :  In our data we used a bar graph because we did not measure it each week.  If I put my combination of 2 females and 1 male then there should be 322 adults of fruit flies because they lay 20 eggs a day on every 2 weeks, they become adults.  My data does not support my hypothesis because there wasn't 322 fruit flies.  I think my hypothesis doesn't support my data because we didn't measure it each week, so it didn't come out to 322 fruit flies.
        Conclusion: My overall experiment was geting 115 fruit flies then 322.  How I go about getting the answer was counting the fruit flies by putting them to sleep.  What happened in my experiment was that my hypothesis was wrong.  My data did not support my hypothesis, at all because I get less than 322.  One source of error In my experiment is the measuring part.  My data and hypothesis could've gone wrong.  How I can improve my experiment If I did it again is try to measure it each week.  One question I'd like to investigate further is if there wasn't fruit flies?.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Post 12: This Week in Science (Daphnia and Introduced Species)

    This week in science we went to this truck that had people that were scientists.  We got to see the little creature known as  a Daphnia.  They these little things in the water and we put Alcohol and also Nicotine.  We did that to see if there heart races or slows down.  And Lastly we got to time it to see if it changes. 

   We Learned that with 10% of Alcohol the heart starts to go faster.  And with 20% it Slows down really fast.  And also we learned that before experimenting on humans you should experiment on model organisms.  Also the Daphnia's body is strange it eats and poops in like a few seconds depending on how long their food takes to digest.  And lastly we found out that Daphnia's are not a suitable model organism for testing the effects of drugs on the cardio-vascular system.

post:#11 this week in science(no impact)

   No impact mans year long project was about how he wanted to change his environment.  He decided to use less of everything then he started to cut back on everything.  He made his family stop doing things that New Yorkers love such as driving,flying,getting take out food,shopping,watching t.v,using elevators,and lastly stop using  pampers for the baby.  Which was weird because they have a baby but they made it work.  And also they didn't have tissue because that was bad for the environment.

   No impact man did a lot of things that changed the environment that hes in by going to local food places.  Also he put a solar pan instead of using electricity.  Also he made the worms he got eat the left over food he had instead of producing garbage.  Also he had to keep his food cold all he had to add was water.  And lastly he made his family follow the phrase reduce,reuse,recycle.

  My reactions at first was this wasn't that bad I think I want to try it.  Because I want to cut back and give more to my environment to make it better.  However as I got through the movie well not all of it I changed my mind because I can't give up all the things he and his family did.  And I know my family won't approve of it all because we are true New Yorkers. 

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

post 8: This Week in Science (Fruit Flies Part 1)

    This week in science we created our hypothesis, created a graph and attempted to figure out how many eggs will be there at the end of three weeks.  And also we had to use a table and make a graph.  Which required a lot of math.  Also we had to get in groups to guess how long it will take them to get through all the stages.  And we are getting spiders to put the fruit flies in the tank.
   We learned that a female lays 20 eggs a day.  And on the 14 day they turn into adults.  And also the female don't have to mate.  Because it has a sperm Store inside of them.  And lastly the female fly is bigger then the male fly.



    We went to the garden.  Also we got insects to put them in our spider habitat.  We had to pick them up with either a stick or a bag.  And also we had to dig under rocks and logs to get our insects.
They were nasty looking and the were crawling around.
    We learned why millipedes crawl up when they touched.  And Also we learned that there are many insects in the garden.  Also we learned that their are different insects that just be up in the dirt.  And we learned that moss be living under the sea.  And they give oxygen.

    Im unsure about how is all my insect going to survive in my tank.  I say that because when my spider comes it's going to eat all the insects I spend my time getting.  Also im unsure about how they going to get the food they need with the rocks under the dirt.  And lastly im curious about what my spider might like.  Like is it going to like the insects i got or is it going to die of hunger

Post:#9This Week in Science (Fruit Flies Part 2)

  This week in science we did the if then because format on our notes section.  Based on our observations and it didn't match up.  Also we made stations to go to to learn new ways to observe our habitat.  Also we we had to make a fruit fly thing to look back.  Lastly we put the furit flies in a tube with food at the bottom.
    We learned to write a clear and organized DYO.  Also we learned to organized our data in tables and graphs.  And we did a post on what we did.   And also we how many babies they have.  And Lastly we learned the difference from the male and female.

  If i have 2 females and 1 male and I put them in a jar.  Then I expet to observe about 40 eggs the next day that we put them in that jar.  Because it states that each females lays 20 eggs per day and we got 2 females so that's 40 eggs.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Post:#10This Week in Science (Fruit Fly DYO Part 1)

This week in science we Did a hypothesis and background information. And also we had to Organize our data and too do the graphs.  Also we too do tables for the graphs.  Also we had too write a chart in a scientific and organized way. And lastly  we had to do a independent Variable and a Dependent variable to write a question.

   This week in science we Learned how to identify the different stages of life in Drosophila Metanogaster. Also we created a justified hypothesis by solving a problem about fruit flies.  Also we Learned how to do a hypothesis in the if..then..because format.  Also we  We did some research on flies and found out what day they give birth and when they turn into larval and how many days it take.   And lastly we ended that with a little project and thats how we got how many days the cycle keeps going on.