Tuesday, May 17, 2011

This Week in Science (Spider Habitat Design)

   This week in science for our spider habitat design, we brain stormed and found research about them.  Also we did a problem and we had to find the solution for example we showed a a little table that said Build--->test and evaluate--->Redesign.  Also we had to get into groups and show the environment of our spider in the tank.  Also we had to use our brains to play a game that I didn't really like that much it was called Carbon and oxygen cycle.Through an ecosystem Also we had to get ideas off of our group members.

   This week in science we learned that their are many things that a spider would eat well that lives in the dirt.  Also we learned about the carbon oxygen cycle.  Which was a game but at the same time it gave important information.  It told how the carbon moves around from the the great big trees to down below in the deep blue sea.  And lastly we learned about how our animals in our spider habitat will change after the spider comes.

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