Wednesday, March 16, 2011

"This Week in Science: Energy Transfer"

   This week in science we did a lot of new things.  For example we got new vocab words and we made a food chain.  Also we did a food pyramid based on our creatures that we picked.  And Lastly we had to make a model of it well both of them.  The food chain and the food pyramid it was really fun.
     We Learned new words that can help us in our everyday life.  For example we learned that the Producer is an organism that makes their own food like grass.  And we learned about primary consumers, secondary consumers, tertiary consumers, omnivore, herbivore, carnivore.  Too break it down  primary consumer,secondary consumer,tertiary consumers all go with each other like each one gives off energy to another organism. And lastly omnivore, herbivore, carnivore are certain types of animals.


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